
UNA is committed to supporting our community, providing fair processes to resolve complaints, and responding with compassion and prompt attention to complaints. Students are NOT required to provide additional information about the incident 或者参与 a university 调查 in order to receive services. Our goal is to provide all students with information on reporting options so they can make an informed decision. If you've experienced some sort of sexual harassment, 不当行为, or discrimination the decision of what, 当, and to whom to report is always up to you. If you choose to share with a mandated reporter on campus (most employees on campus) then they will share what you've told them with the 第九条协调员 so that you can be sure to get the most up-to-date information on how UNA can support you. 另一方面, if you do not want the report shared with the 第九条协调员 you are encouraged to speak with one of the 机密资源 listed below 当 you're ready. 

UNA encourages reports to be made in close proximity to the incident even though reports can be made to the 第九条协调员, 机密资源, and law enforcement at any time. 

If you're an employee who is a mandated reporter and you have questions about your reporting obligations, 请检查 这个页面 了解更多信息. 



Individuals may file a report online, 24/7 a week. Anonymous reports are accepted; however, anonymous reports may limit the University's ability to respond. Access the reporting form here:

第九条, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation Online Form

Mandated reporters are obligated to report instances of sexual or gender-based discrimination or harassment as soon as possible to the Office of 第九条. Likewise, all University personnel are encouraged to Listen ->  Support -> Report. For more information, 请检查 our 员工回应指南. 


Access the referral form here:



If a Complainant would like the 大学调查 an incident, the Complainant may speak with:

Contact information for 正式的报告 to 第九条 or 大学警察
第九条协调员   256-765-4223
大学警察   256-765-4357


Information learned through a report or 调查 under this Policy is kept as private as possible and shared only on a need-to-know basis in order to comply with state or federal laws or to assist in the active review, 调查, or resolution of the report and related issues. 

University employees and/or agents assisting with any alleged Prohibited Conduct falling under this Policy are expected to safeguard private information in accordance with applicable laws (including, 但不限于, FERPA和其他隐私法). Information about incidents of alleged Prohibited Conduct must be shared with relevant administrators if the 第九条 Coordinator determines that the University needs to take action in order to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for the entire campus community, but that disclosure will be as limited as possible.

Nothing in this Policy should be construed to unreasonably or unlawfully limit a party’s ability to prepare for, 或者参与, the process used to address potential violations of this Policy. Notwithstanding, the concern for privacy extends to the parties, advisors, and witnesses. The misuse of information provided by the Office of 第九条, 包括披露, 重复, or dissemination of information for a purpose unrelated to the gathering of evidence and/or witnesses or otherwise not for the purpose of participating or preparing for the Investigation may result in violations under this Policy.



If a reporting party would like the details of an incident to be 保密, the reporting party may speak with:

List of 机密资源 and Contact information
学生辅导服务 256-765-5215
大学保健处 256-765-4328
北阿拉巴马危机中心 256-716-1000(热线)
浅滩的一个地方 256-284-7600 or 256-767-1100 (hotline)
Safe Place (domestic violence) 256-767-6210 or 1-800-550-9215
阿拉巴马州茁壮成长 256-764-0492

浅滩的一个地方 是一个中心化的, 协作, community effort that provides victims of domestic violence, 强奸, 性侵犯, child physical and sexual abuse, and elder abuse with necessary services under one roof. 浅滩的一个地方 provides legal assistance, medical exams, and counseling services. 浅滩的一个地方 is a confidential resource for individuals who may wish to seek legal action. 浅滩的一个地方 website | 浅滩的一个地方 Facebook page |

任何人! All UNA students, faculty, staff, administration, and community members can utilize these resources.

为什么 你应该报告吗??
报告 ensures that individuals have access to all of the available support services. This also helps UNA identify and address any trends or systemic problems. 报告 sexual 不当行为 keeps our students and campus community safe.

在紧急情况下 拨打911 寻求即时援助. Public Incident Report forms are not checked after business hours.